Join us for online worship, this Sunday, live at 8:30am ET!
Watch Live in 4d 14h 11m 0s

Welcome to the


Allentown Presbyterian Church

Allentown, NJ

Allentown Presbyterian Church is a vibrant community of faith, where hundreds of people from a multitude of backgrounds and ages gather to worship and follow Jesus.  For over 300 years APC has proclaimed the love of Jesus to the greater Allentown community and today we uniquely blend our rich history with a youthful spirit to make the story of God’s love relevant for all.  Recognizing that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, our mission is to help one another Grow in Christ. All are welcome, come as you are. 

Sunday Mornings At APC

8:30am Worship online & in-person
9:45AM Christian Education (for all ages)

sermon series

Worship with us LIVE!
Practicing the Way
Sundays, Starting January 5th
We are constantly being formed and shaped by the world around us.
To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice: to be with him, become like him, and do as he did. Come learn what it means to follow and practice the way of Jesus so that God can transform us to become like him.
Watch the most recent service:
Listen to the most recent podcast:

adult Education series

Adult Education Class: The "Practicing the Way" Course
Sundays, Starting January 5th
Join us on Sunday mornings in Schulte Hall or online for a nine-week course designed to help get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, its goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. The course is developed by John Mark Comer and includes powerful videos, engaging discussions, and invitations to put into practice what you're learning.
Watch recordings of past classes:

Midweek opportunities

Whether you are just checking out Christianity, or are a seasoned believer; whether you are two years old or ninety-two, you will find ministries to help you grow more and more to become the person God created you to be.
Click on the bubbles below to learn about the many ministries at APC and
consider where God might be calling you to plug in!