Mental Health matters

Our faith calls us to compassion, to care for the sick. Wholeness and healing are at the heart of our life together. Mental health is an important component to wholeness.

● 1 in 5 adults are living with a form of mental illness
● 1 in 6 youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder
● Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among youth 10-14 and 11th among adults

Our community recognizes the challenge to serve those who struggle with mental health. We see the need to address the stigma and misunderstanding that surrounds mental illness and prevents people from seeking help for themselves or a loved one. As the hands and feet of Jesus, we are called to offer help and healing to anyone in our congregation and community who may be struggling with mental health or substance use. We will do this by raising awareness and providing education, supporting individuals and families affected by mental illness, advocating for individuals and families, and encouraging and providing opportunities for continued recovery and wellness.

If you have questions or need more info, please reach out to the ministry at