We believe faith is a journey, not a destination:
Fellow travelers welcome.
adult Discipleship
We offer a variety of spiritual growth opportunities to choose from, including Adult Education classes, Small Groups, and separate programs and retreats for men and women, and many other fellowship opportunities.
Our hope is that these programs will spark your interest and ignite within you a deeper awareness of the spiritual issues of our time, a deeper understanding of God’s teachings in the Scriptures, and a deeper love of Jesus Christ.
For more information about our adult ministry,
contact Pastor Lindsay Anderson-Beck, lindsay@allentownpresbyterian.org
Our hope is that these programs will spark your interest and ignite within you a deeper awareness of the spiritual issues of our time, a deeper understanding of God’s teachings in the Scriptures, and a deeper love of Jesus Christ.
For more information about our adult ministry,
contact Pastor Lindsay Anderson-Beck, lindsay@allentownpresbyterian.org
Small groups
At APC, we believe that God designed us for relationship. We flourish and grow when we are known in the context of committed and authentic community. As Christians, we particularly need fellow journeyers to walk with us as we seek to follow Jesus. This is why we encourage everyone to be a part of a small group.
Small Groups are spaces to gather together regularly outside of Sunday worship with others who are seeking to follow Jesus in their everyday lives. During your small group, you'll find connection and fun as you strengthen your relationships with others and you'll find depth and growth as you strengthen your relationship with God.
At APC, we believe so strongly in the power of a small group for your spiritual growth that we encourage every adult
to participate in one!
Most – though not all – of our groups consist of about 7-11 people, meet three times a month on campus or in peoples’ homes, and use the sermon series as a guide for discussion and reflection. We have several groups that are geared toward a particular demographic, meet online, or follow different curriculum based on their interests.
We have groups for women and men, for young moms, for couples, for young adults, and for “People of a Certain Age (60+/-)”. This winter we are offering “GriefShare” for those grieving the death of a loved one and we will be offering a new book group, which will be reading and studying Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation.
Click HERE to learn more and sign up!
Small Groups are spaces to gather together regularly outside of Sunday worship with others who are seeking to follow Jesus in their everyday lives. During your small group, you'll find connection and fun as you strengthen your relationships with others and you'll find depth and growth as you strengthen your relationship with God.
At APC, we believe so strongly in the power of a small group for your spiritual growth that we encourage every adult
to participate in one!
Most – though not all – of our groups consist of about 7-11 people, meet three times a month on campus or in peoples’ homes, and use the sermon series as a guide for discussion and reflection. We have several groups that are geared toward a particular demographic, meet online, or follow different curriculum based on their interests.
We have groups for women and men, for young moms, for couples, for young adults, and for “People of a Certain Age (60+/-)”. This winter we are offering “GriefShare” for those grieving the death of a loved one and we will be offering a new book group, which will be reading and studying Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation.
Click HERE to learn more and sign up!
GriefShare helps you move through the grief process after the death of a loved one by providing a safe, welcoming place with other people who get it. Through this 13-week group, you’ll talk about grief: what to expect and what’s “normal”. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability, and gain solid support each step of the way. You are welcome to join us, whether your loss is recent or years old.
When? Monday nights, 6:30-8pm, Beginning January 13th
Where? Crossroads Youth Building (75 S. Main St.)
Questions? Contact Jan Cristman - jmcristman@comcast.net
When? Monday nights, 6:30-8pm, Beginning January 13th
Where? Crossroads Youth Building (75 S. Main St.)
Questions? Contact Jan Cristman - jmcristman@comcast.net
Christian Education
Adult Education meets on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45am, in Schulte Hall. We offer a range of classes throughout the year, helping to shape and form our minds and our imaginations as we seek to follow Jesus with our whole lives.
Join us in-person or watch online here.
Coming Up:
- Beginning January 5th
The "Practicing the Way" Course
Join us on Sunday mornings in Schulte Hall or online for a nine-week course designed to help get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you’ve stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, its goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. The course is developed by John Mark Comer and includes powerful videos, engaging discussions, and invitations to put into practice what you're learning.
Start Here: New MEmber Class
Twice a year, we offer a class for adults who are new to faith or new to APC. This class will introduce you to the basics of Christian faith and offer an opportunity for those interested to formally join the church.
The next session will be offered in the Spring.
The next session will be offered in the Spring.
further opportunities
Young Adult
The young adults at APC (18-30+) come together often for fun and faith formation in a number of different ways, some spontaneous, and some preplanned like the opportunities below. Click HERE to learn more.
Weekly: Join us each Wednesday morning at 6:30 am for fellowship and study in the Crossroads building or online via Zoom. The men of the church gather at Crossroads Youth Center to read, pray and encourage one another in our relationship with the Lord.
Annual: Each year the men get away for a weekend retreat.
This year, the Men’s Retreat will be held on October 18-20th in Avalon, NJ. For more information and registration, click here.
Please contact Rev. Dr. Stephen Heinzel-Nelson for more information, stephen@allentownpresbyterian.org.
Annual: Each year the men get away for a weekend retreat.
This year, the Men’s Retreat will be held on October 18-20th in Avalon, NJ. For more information and registration, click here.
Please contact Rev. Dr. Stephen Heinzel-Nelson for more information, stephen@allentownpresbyterian.org.
L.I.F.T. (Ladies In Faith Together) is an exciting ministry for the women of APC! Small group studies, fun monthly events, community service projects and mentoring opportunities provide a variety of ways for women to make friends, grow in Christ and share their unique gifts with others.
Registration for our spring retreat is now open!
Click HERE to learn more!
Registration for our spring retreat is now open!
Click HERE to learn more!