

Rev. Dr. Stephen Heinzel-Nelson

Senior Pastor
Pastor Stephen and his family moved to Allentown in 1997 and he has been the Senior Pastor of APC ever since. Originally from Wilmington, Delaware; Stephen served two churches in Florida prior to returning to New Jersey where he graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1985. Stephen and his wife Liz are partners in life and ministry, working together to serve the church, community and world. They are the proud parents of four grown children; Jem, Clay, Terra and Jordan. In 2008 the Heinzel-Nelsons lived in Malawi, Africa and co-founded Villages in Partnership, a nonprofit organization lifting thousands out of poverty in one of the poorest countries in the world. Stephen preaches with passion, follows the Phillies and Packers, plays golf poorly and loves APC. 

Rev. Lindsay Anderson-Beck

Associate Pastor
Lindsay grew up with her two sisters, British mum, and American dad in central London,  but she has now spent over half of her life in the States. It was while she was working part-time at a church in Santa Cruz that Lindsay realized she had a deep love for the local church and began sensing God’s call into pastoral ministry. Following that nudge, she moved to Los Angeles for her Master of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary. During an internship for the PC(USA) ordination process at the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Lindsay met her now-husband Will. Lindsay and Will now reside in Allentown with their daughter Liza. They enjoy going for walks, hosting friends, and playing with their cat named Wally. Lindsay cares deeply about the spiritual formation and discipleship of God’s people, or  the process through which we become more like Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  She loves exploring and helping others say yes to God’s unending invitation into a deeper understanding and experience of God, that they might experience “life to the full”  with Jesus, for the sake of the world.


courtney stover

Office Manager

Enoch Smith Jr.

Director of Worship & Music

Maureen Harshman

Director of Children & Family Ministries

Kelsey Harshman

Children & Family Ministries Assistant

J.C. Fowler

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Marla Golden

High School Leader

Isaac Meerleo

Middle School Leader

Jill Kurzeja

Director of Little Tree Preschool

Bill Mandeville

Director of Properties

Lauren Davis

Financial Administrator

Patti Stanley


Jane Crain

Financial Secretary

Elected Leaders

Presbyterian churches are known for their democratic style of government. The church is led by a board of elders known as the Session. Teaching and ruling elders are ordained and are responsible for the discipline, nurture, and mission of the local congregation. Teaching elders (pastors) have responsibility for teaching, worship, and performing sacraments. As Presbyterians, we strive to organize our churches in such a way that leadership and power is shared by all members.


Clerk of Session: Nancy Tindall
Class of 2025:
Manda Bliss
Mike DeIeso
Brad Drew
Ryan Thomas
Class of 2026:
Karen Collins
Rich Heddy
Denise Schaefer
Ann Marie Wiedemann
Class of 2027:
Colin Brearley
Mark Setaro
Patti Stanley
Osama Sudah


Class of 2025:
Jan Cristman
Peter Gaitens
Melissa Mikolon 
Angela Setaro
Class of 2026:
Vicki Elkins
George Pirocchi
Phil Rondinelli
Pam Wargo
Class of 2027:
Rob Albright
Emma Crane
Ed Velez
Peggy Sue Wright