Sundays, February 18 – March 31
Some think that the world consists only of what we can quantify, touch, and measure. Others see something more. A realm where things that — in this world — are overlooked are considered of great value. Where what can’t be measured is of infinite worth. Where miracles happen and the impossible becomes possible. Join us for our new sermon series as we explore the world that Jesus saw: the world of the supernatural.
The season of Lent is an invitation to pause, stop, and take a breath. Come and catch your breath with us! We will experience a variety of spiritual practices: centering prayer, gratitude, lectio divina, visio divina, journaling and prayer walks. All are gifts of the church that will help us catch our breath and connect us more deeply with God.
Join us Sunday mornings:
8:30 am EST, in-person or live online and 11:00 am EST in-person
Watch a replay of the most recent worship service:
Watch a recording of the most recent Adult Ed. session: