We believe our children and youth are not only the future of the church: They are vital to the church of today. (Value: Intergenerational)
About Crossroads
CROSSROADS is a relational youth ministry built on a model inspired by Jesus Christ. Jesus came to earth to dwell among us, to rub elbows with us, to share meals and life with us. Similarly, we seek to “rub elbows” and to connect with young people so they may ultimately be inspired to know and love Jesus. We are blessed to have a dedicated staff and team of Shepherds who show up week after week, year after year to love kids in His name. –Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Youth Group (Crossroads)
Crossroads is a “different kind of place.” At Crossroads, it doesn’t matter what you look like, what kind of clothes you wear, what color your skin is, how cool your friends are or what school you attend. Everyone is welcome to become part of the community and to share the love of Christ. Youth Group at Crossroads is a gathering all about helping students to become aware of the presence of God in their lives and to respond to God by serving others. Each night there’s a time for reflection and a time to break into small groups where we discuss God’s Story and how it applies to our lives. Each week, through fun, food, messages, small groups and mission, Crossroads provides a safe place for students to connect with adults, with other students and with God. Youth Group meets October through May. Come join us!
Sunday School (6th-High School+)
Sunday School provides a place where students can grow in their faith, deepen their biblical knowledge and strengthen their understanding of who Jesus Christ is. Throughout 2013-2014, 6th -12th grade students will be joining our APC family as we collectively read through the Bible from cover to cover! Middle School and High School+ students will be focusing on the teen edition of “The Story” which is an edited version of the Bible that allows the major narrative sweep and theme of the biblical narrative to emerge. Divided into 31 easy to read chapters, it is the actual text of the Bible that follows the storyline of God’s relationship with His people from creation through the life of Jesus and the beginning of the church.
Confirmation is a time for students to take a year of their lives to examine the Christian life, to get to know God for themselves, and to wrestle with deep questions of faith. It’s a time for them to pray, to reflect, to learn and to decide if they want to officially join the Allentown Presbyterian Church. Confirmation includes a large number of freshman students but students in higher grades are welcome to attend if they have not gone through the confirmation process. Confirmation students will meet at Crossroads 9:45 am